Now that Massachusetts has voted to legalize recreational marijuana, the state needs someone to help regulate it. According to a recent job posting on, the state Department of Agricultural Resources is hiring an agricultural inspector who will focus on marijuana. The inspector “will enforce the laws and regulations involving hemp and overlapping laws and … Continue reading “Massachusetts is hiring a marijuana inspector”
Category: Massachusetts
News about recreational marijuana in Massachusetts
Retail marijuana is spreading to California, Massachusetts and Maine
Recreational marijuana sales will launch in three states next year, including the biggest one of all: California. It’s already for sale in five states, but the addition of a legal retail marijuana market in California, with its massive economy and population, will dramatically change the landscape. California is aiming to open retail marijuana stores by January … Continue reading “Retail marijuana is spreading to California, Massachusetts and Maine”
In the state of the Puritans, chance to buy pot legally moves ahead
BOSTON — Marijuana entrepreneur Jaime Lewis breathed a sigh of relief at the red tape, delays and legislative infighting as Massachusetts lawmakers fiddled with the state’s cannabis legalization plan. In the haggling, she said she saw progress. The legislative sausage-making might not have looked or felt like progress. But pot shops are coming: In July 2018, … Continue reading “In the state of the Puritans, chance to buy pot legally moves ahead”
Medical marijuana dispensaries will get a jump on new retailers
Medical marijuana dispensaries are likely to play a key role in the retail weed supply chain when legal sales finally begin next July, the key lawmakers behind the state’s revamped marijuana bill tell the Herald. Source: Medical marijuana dispensaries will get a jump on new retailers | Boston Herald Download the free Marijuana Grow … Continue reading “Medical marijuana dispensaries will get a jump on new retailers”
SJC to hear case against ‘unconstitutionally vague’ medical marijuana law
The state’s medical marijuana law is unconstitutionally vague and endangers the rights of patients who grow their own weed, according to a case that the Supreme Judicial Court has agreed to hear. The case stems from the 2013 arrest of a Framingham man caught in a legal twilight zone: He was permitted by the state … Continue reading “SJC to hear case against ‘unconstitutionally vague’ medical marijuana law”